Running lights for motorcycles. (Varselljus för motorcyklar.)


A working group set up by the nordic road safety council has studied the use of running lights on motor cycles in daytime in order to enhance vehicle conspicuity. It is found that motor cycles are the category most frequently exposed to accidents. Collisions often occur with heavier vehicles whose drivers had failed to detect the motor cycle in time. Accidents occur particularly during the day, in the summer and in urban areas. A study shows that detection distance is more than doubled if motor cycle lights are on. Positive experiences regarding accident frequency have been obtained in some states in the us and finland which have laws requiring motor cycles to have their lights on when in motion. Dipped headlights are very suitable in daytime; the cost is negligible. It is proposed that legislation be introduced in the nordic countries requiring motor cycles to have running lights on at all times, in both urban and rural areas. See also B 8419 and B 17171.

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B 19990 MF [electronic version only] /91 / IRRD 218391

Stockholm, Nordisk Trafiksikkerheds Råd (Nordic Road Traffic Safety Council), 1975, 45 p., 17 ref. Rapport No. 12

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