Rural traffic calming : Bird Lane, Essex.


Many rural communities are concerned about traffic growth and high vehicle speeds. Local authorities have to balance the need for traffic management against the desire to maintain rural character. Where roads have low traffic speeds and flows, they may be suitable for designation as Quiet Lanes to maintain these conditions. In Bird Lane designation as a Quiet Lane was considered. However, the high levels of traffic, the speed of vehicles, the perceived and actual risks to non-motorised users, and the lack of other roads to make into a Quiet Lanes network, meant designation was not considered a suitable option. A more interventionist approach was decided upon and a singletrack with passing places scheme was implemented. (Author/publisher)

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20040730 ST [electronic version only]

London, Department for Transport, Traffic Advisory Unit, 2004, 6 p., 3 ref.; Traffic Advisory Leaflet ; 2/04

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