The rural transport experiments : proceedings of a symposium held at the Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), Crowthorne, on 8 November 1979.

Coe, G.A. Fairhead, R.D. Watts, P.F. Balcombe, R.J. Dredge, A.S. & Lugton, J.

The six papers presented at the conference were as follows: Rural travel and the market for public transport in rutex areas (Coe, G.A. and Fairhead, R.D.); Rural shared hire-cars: a comparative assessment of their potential (Watts, P.F.); Demand-responsive bus services in rural areas (Balcombe, R.J.); Community transport (Balcombe, R.J. and Dredge, A.S.); Dual-purpose transport (Lugton, J.); Summary and conclusions (Balcombe, R.J.). For abstracts of papers by Coe, G.A. and Fairhead, R.D., Watts, P.F., Balcombe, R.J., Balcombe, R.J. and and Dredge, A.S., see C 37803 - C 37806 (IRRD Nos 248816-248819).


C 37802 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD 248815

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), 1980, 108 p., ref.; TRRL Supplementary Report ; SR 584 - ISSN 0305-1315

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