Rural versus urban transport conditions of the elderly in Spain from the perspective of affected citizens.

Monterde, H. & Moreno, D.

Differences in transport conditions among senior citizen living in urban and rural areas are described in the very language of interested people. That is: older adults aged 65 or more. This piece of research has been taken out from the qualitative research phase of European SIZE Project Research in Spain. A sample of Senior Citizens was interviewed about their mobility needs and transport modalities. Living area was recorded as well as other useful data. Results are pertinent to understand differences related to needs and habits of older adults and they will help to get a better understanding about those circumstances that may influence the differential outcome of traffic related fatalities suffered by senior citizens in rural areas in Spain. For the covering abstract see ITRD E136183.

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C 49170 (In: C 49156 CD-ROM) /70 / ITRD E136203

In: Cost-effective solutions for improving road safety in rural areas - integrating the 4 Es - education, enforcement, engineering and electronics : proceedings of 17th ICTCT (International Cooperation on Theories and Traffic Concepts in Traffic Safety) workshop, Tartu, Estonia, October 2004, 11 p., 20 ref.

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