S1 Strategic Project `traffic and land use' : summaries of publications.

Finnish National Road Administration FinnRA

The interaction between traffic and land use significantly contributes to the development of our environment and the shaping of our communities. As community structure changes, traffic also changes. The goal is to produce basic information, to elucidate the effects of different solution models and, at the same time, to increase the mutual interaction between land use planners and traffic planners. The problems can only be solved through extensive co-operation between different authorities and the planners of actual road management. More than 50 research reports and other publications have appeared in the series published by the different interest groups. Because there are so many reports, it is necessary to compile "intermediate statements". The purpose is to compile a summary report every year. The first of these reports, which was titled "Liikenne palvelee ja muuttaa yhteiskuntaa" (Traffic serves and changes the community), was published in 1994. The second report, titled "Auton yhdyskunta" (The car community), will appear in the summer of 1995.

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C 19418 [electronic version only] /72 / ITRD 876027

Helsinki, Finnish National Road Administration FinnRA, 1995, 78 p.; FinnRA internal publications ; 29/1995 - ISSN 0788-3722

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