Safe Routes to Schools : 3 year review.


Safe Routes to Schools has made no apology for being inspired by the Danish experience. Cycling has become the main transport mode for young people in Denmark, where more than 60 per cent cycle to school. At the same time, the country has gone from having one of the worst child accident records to having one of the best. The change in Denmark has not come about by chance. It has been planned In a strategic framework with a clear vision - including car dependency and Increasing the health and independence of young people. Cycle routes, cycle lanes, road safety training, traffic-calming and low speed zones have all been incorporated to give priority to pedestrians and cyclists. The Sustrans Safe Routes to Schools project seeks to emulate the Danish experiment. We deliberately involve pupils directly at all stages of the process. Surveys have shown that children are keen to exploit the freedom that comes with cycling and walking to school Where they have the chance, as at Kesgrave School, near Ipswich, cycling climbs to Danish levels and a whole culture changes. Local Safe Routes to Schools networks have sought to build on co-operation and link with other cycling and walking initiatives. National and local politicians have been quick to endorse Safe Routes to Schools. It has received backing from transport. health promotion and environmental groups. Parents and school governors are enthusiastic. Most importantly, it is popular with those it seeks to serve - the 10 million children in UK schools. This report details the progress made during the first three years of the project - 1995 to 1998. (Author/publisher)

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990048 ST [electronic version only]

Bristol, Sustrans, 1998, 7 p.

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