Safe transport of dangerous goods : road, rail or sea ? : a screening of technical and administrative factors.

Andersson, S.-E.

Transport of gasoline, liquid petroleum gas and various highly toxic gases should be assigned to the safest mode of transport as far as justifiable from an economic standpoint. In order to enhance security, the Swedish National Rescue Services Board has been given the task of investigating whether transport by rail is safer than road transport, and whether sea transport is safer than land transport. A broad problems analysis was initially performed and the results are reported in this paper. Some thirty project suggestions were developed. A handful of those are today in progress, ranging from technical analyses and attitude surveys to optimization models and risk management research cooperation.

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In: Proceedings of the OECD meeting "Strategies for transporting dangerous goods by road : safety and environmental protection", 2nd-4th June 1992, Karlstad, Sweden, 10 p., 4 refs.

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