Safer driving : reducing risks, crashes & casualties : proceedings of the 68th RoSPA Road Safety Congress, Blackpool, 3-5 March 2003.


For abstracts of some of the papers given at the ROSPA 68th road safety congress, see C 27802 - C 27816 (ITRD E119889 - E119903). 68th Road Safety Congress - 3-5 March 2003 Safer Driving: Reducing Risks, Crashes & Casualties Author Title • Lord Faulkner of Worcester Welcome to Congress • David Jamieson MP Opening Address • Heinz-Jurgen Lang ISOfix Update • Trevor Wedge Developments in Driver Training and Testing in GB • Susan McCormack Recent Developments in Driver Training • Pat Wells Cohort Study of Learner and Novice Drivers II • PC Alan Rogers and • Steve Postlethwaite Active Strategy to Reduce Accidents (ASTRA) • Bob Smalley Influencing the Behaviour of Experienced Drivers • Eleni Karagiannidou The Impact of Keeping A Driving Diary On Older Drivers • Philip Bennett SAGE - Safer Driving with Age • Dr Lisa Dorn Reducing the Risk of Bus Crashes • Alec Horner The Use Of Driver Analysis, Psychometric Profiling Etc • Roger Bibbings MBE Occupational Road Safety Alliance • Abdullah Al Marzooqi Road Safety System for Monitoring Fleet Drivers • Clare Farrer Drive It Forward • Adrian Walsh The Motor Industry's Contribution to Making Our Roads Safer • Pat Wells and • Mark Humpage Route Treatments on Trunk Roads • Jenny Feehan and • Graham Wynn Safer Roads by Educating Drivers • Janet Kirrage TfL Motorcyclists Campaign • Richard Brunstrom The Role of Traffic Enforcement and the National Safety Camera Scheme

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C 27801 CD-ROM /21 /82 /83 /91 / ITRD E119888

Birmingham, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents RoSPA, 2003, CD-ROM, ++ ref.

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