Safer journey : interactive pedestrian safety awareness.


It is an interactive CD that takes the user through various pedestrian safety scenarios encountered every day across America. It has been developed to improve the level of pedestrian knowledge for all road users (including schools, driver education groups, enforcement, etc.) and safety practitioners. This CD-ROM can also be included in State/local community pedestrian awareness materials kit and/or used at seminars, conferences, etc. (Author/publisher) Contains, among others: TI: CRASH-TYPE MANUAL FOR PEDESTRIANS. CA: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Highway Safety Research Center, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599, USA; Federal Highway Administration, 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC, 20590, USA SO: 1996. pp63 NT: Full text is also available on FHWA CD-ROM, Safer Journey (FHWA-SA-00-009). PY: 1996 RN: Report Number: FHWA-RD-96-104 LA: English AB: Bicyclists or pedestrians are involved in approximately one out of six highway fatalities each year. This research was conducted in order to better understand the precipitating actions, predisposing factors and characteristic populations involved. Some of the factors reviewed include: walking into vehicle intersection, driver violations, midblock dart out, suicides, domestic/dispute related, backing vehicles, walking alone, exiting/entering parked vehicle, vehicle turn/merge and assaults with vehicles. A greater understanding of the causes could help to identify situations where better engineering, increased public awareness and the enactment of regulatory countermeasures could help reduce the number of injuries and fatalities.

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C 26581 CD-ROM

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, 2000, CD-ROM; FHWA-SA-00-009

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