Safer performing pavement markings : the perfect line.

Carnaby, B.

In recent times there has been great advancement in pavement-marking technology, with the introduction of safer pavement marking systems that can provide sustained and much improved visibility of these marking in all types of weather conditions. Pavement markings have been re-discovered as a fundamental of basic road safety. The State of New South Wales Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) has a short term / long term plan to improve the dry night visibility, wet night visibility and skid resistance of pavement marking systems. This paper combines world research on the safety benefits of pavement markings and presents data from field trials, which suggest how it may be possible to make pavement makings visible in almost all driving conditions. This will increase the end-of-line detection distance, thereby reduce the drivers' needs, reduce the drivers' mistakes and make the driver less vulnerable, thus improving driver comfort and safety. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E214755.

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C 39656 (In: C 39622 CD-ROM) /35 /82 /85 / ITRD E214785

In: Delivering sustainable transport : “it’s got legs” : conference papers 2006 AITPM National Conference, Hotel Sofitel, Melbourne, 3-4 August 2006, p. 541-554

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