Safer vehicle choices for older adults.

Charlton, J. Andrea, D. Fildes, B. Oxley, J. Morris, A. Langford, J. & Johnson, L.

There is little doubt that with changing demographics the number of older drivers involved in road crashes will increase substantially in the years ahead. As people grow old their ability to recover from injuries is dramatically reduced. This necessitates pro-active strategies and research initiatives aimed at reducing injury among this growing population group. This report focuses on the issue of Safe vehicle choices for older adults. In 2001, RACV commissioned Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC) to undertake a study to explore issues relating to older people and their knowledge and awareness of vehicle safety features. In particular, the level of awareness of older drivers about vehicle safety and the priority of vehicle safety for older drivers when purchasing vehicles was examined. Over 200 participants, aged 55 years or more, took part in the study, which involved focus groups in regional and metropolitan Victoria. The report identifies key vehicle safety features that older people should choose and recommends a number of methods to increase the awareness of the importance of vehicle safety among older drivers. (Author/publisher)

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C 26905 [electronic version only] /83 /91 / ITRD E206288

Noble Park, Victoria, Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV), 2002, 62 p., 43 ref.; Report No. 02/01 - ISBN 1-8759-6327-8

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