Safety of cyclists in urban areas.

Herrstedt, L. Agustsson, L. Nielsen, M.A. & Lei, K.M.

This paper presents a research programme initiated by the Danish Road Directorate in order to enhance the safety of cyclists in urban areas. The project is focused on geometrical design issues related to cycle traffic. The paper begins with a presentation of accident statistics: cyclists account for one third of all traffic casualities in urban areas. The rest of the paper presents the four themes of the research programme: (1) Safety of cycle lanes compared with separate cycle tracks; (2) The design of cycle tracks in urban intersections; (3) Safety of cyclists in urban roundabouts; and (4) Conflicts between cyclists and pedestrians at bus stops.

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C 8351 (In: C 8330 b S) /82 / IRRD 874024

In: Proceedings of the conference "Strategic Highway Research Program SHRP and Traffic Safety on Two Continents", The Hague, The Netherlands, September 22-24, 1993, VTI Konferens 1A, Part 2, p. 73-84, 4 ref.

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