Safety directions : an international comparison of road safety enforcement.

Bliss, T. Guria, J. Lauridsen, C. Rockliffe, N. & Strachan, G.

This Working Paper is the third in a series of technical documents which form part of the LTSA’s Safety Directions Development Programme. This Programme is creating the tools needed to underpin New Zealand’s road safety funding cycle. In this way it contributes to the achievement of the LTSA’s statutory objective of undertaking activities that promote safety in land transport at reasonable cost. Working Paper 3 describes a study undertaken to compare road safety enforcement in New Zealand with that in the Australian State of Victoria. Victoria provides an example of international best practice in road safety enforcement and New Zealand has implemented initiatives based on Victoria’s success. For these reasons, it is timely to compare the resourcing of enforcement regimes in the respective jurisdictions. The study’s findings provide useful insights into the allocation of enforcement resources in Victoria. They also highlight the relationship between enforcement levels and resulting safety outcomes. (Author/publisher)

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C 42676 [electronic version only]

Wellington, Land Transport Safety Authority LTSA, 1998, 20 p., 4 ref.; Safety Directions Working Paper ; No. 3 - ISBN 0-478-20629-1

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