Safety implications of bike paths in signalized intersections : reviewing using a Bayesian approach.

Leden, L. Gårder, P. & Thedéen, T.

This paper summarizes with emphasis on methodological aspects a quantitative meta-analysis of studies evaluating the safety effectiveness of different bicycle facilities at road junctions using Bayesian method. The project consists of a literature survey as well as interviews with experts and cyclists, and an attempt to weave together these different sources in estimating the effect of particular lay-out. In summary, few studies from the Scandinavian countries exist that have treated this area with an acceptable methodology. Combined results, with the Bayesian technique, are therefore presented for only one lay-out comparison: Accident risks for cyclists at signalized intersections with and without signalized intersections with and without a cycle path. The results of this aggregation may be unreliable as well, due to deficiencies in the studies. New field studies should be initiated. (A)

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C 8348 (In: C 8330 b S) /82 / IRRD 874021

In: Proceedings of the conference "Strategic Highway Research Program SHRP and Traffic Safety on Two Continents", The Hague, The Netherlands, September 22-24, 1993, VTI Konferens 1A, Part 2, p. 23-35, 14 ref.

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