Safety issues in non-motorized transport in India.

Mittal, N. & Sarin, S.M.

This paper examines non-motorized road traffic accidents in India where fatalities by non-motorized transport (NMT) users constitute 60% to 80% of the total road traffic deaths. There are variations in the characteristics of different categories of roads as well as in different cities of India. Under the present situation, some of the recommended countermeasures for the safety of NMT users are: (a) urban village footpaths and community roads with no motorized traffic or restricted access; (b) sidewalks and non-motorized lanes along roads with higher traffic volumes; (c) pedestrian and non-motorized crossings at roads with higher traffic volumes; (d) pedestrian bridges or underpasses at roads with the highest traffic volumes; (e) removal of encroachment; (f) segregation of motorized and non-motorized traffic by temporal and spatial means; (g) recognition of NMT users' needs in traffic and transport planning. There is a need to carry out more research work in this field to enhance the road safety for these vulnerable groups. (Author/publisher).

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I E101670 /80 / IRRD E101670

Journal Of Traffic Medicine. 1999. 27(1-2) Pp37-48 (4 Refs.)

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