Safety on motorways : comments on G. Nilsson's paper.

Roszbach, R.

Motorways are designed for speed. They also generate traffic. The number of accidents on motorways is usually underestimated since accidents at junctions with secondary road network are not included. Part of the safety problem on motorways is speed. A 3-phase strategy is being developed in holland. Phase 1 would concentrate on publicity and threat of punishment. When this has reduced violations, phase 2 with a high probability of detection would commence. When a new speed behaviour has been established with some degree of stability, phase 3 would ease enforcement and introduce some kind of monitoring system. This strategy is being developed in response to the failure of the Dutch speed limit reduction in 1988 to bring about lasting effects. For the paper by G. Nilsson, see C 6531.

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C 6532 (In: C 6517 S) /82 /83 / IRRD 847941

In: Proceedings of road safety and traffic environment in Europe in Gothenburg, Sweden, September 26-28, 1990, VTI rapport 366A, p. 77-80


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