The safety of older car-drivers in the European Union.

Maycock, G.

Life expectancies are increasing in most developed countries in the world - including European Union (EU) countries - and as a result, the number of older people in the population of these countries is increasing more rapidly than those in the population as a whole. Moreover, the proportion of the older population who hold driving licenses - particularly older women - has also been increasing over the years, and is expected to continue to do so in the future. These trends in combination, mean that the number of older drivers - particularly older women drivers - will dramatically increase over the next few decades. This report has attempted to draw together evidence which will help to identify the issues associated with the question: what will these driver population changes mean for future road safety in the European Union? After reviewing the changes in population and driving licence holding, data has been presented showing the number and trends in fatalities in EU countries - both in total and by age group, for all casualties and for car occupant casualties. A review of the available research evidence for the effects of age on the abilities relevant to safe driving, has found a wealth of evidence from laboratory studies showing the decline in sensory, cognitive and physical abilities with increasing age, but little evidence for the effect of these changes in on-road driving performance. Despite this, an analysis of the circumstances and types of accident in which older drivers are involved, has shown quite a close correspondence to the sensory and cognitive deficits of older drivers found in the laboratory. The report includes suggestions about how older drivers can be helped to continue to drive safely, and examples are given of initiatives which have been implemented in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom (UK). (A)

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C 16148 /83 /81 / IRRD 893725

Brussels, European Road Safety Federation ERSF / Basingstoke, Hampshire, Automobile Association AA Foundation for Road Safety Research, 1997, X + 68 p., 83 ref.

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