Safety road checks, motor carriers of property, July through December 1971.

Bureau of Motor Carrier Safety

In the second half of 1971, roadside inspections of 22.652 trucks, tractors/trailers, and semitrailers showed that 5.316 (23.5 %) were mechanically unfit to continue their runs. From 1968-1971, brake defects caused 2.255 accidents (24 % of reported defect accidents), while inspection reports listed 88937 instances of faulty brakes (33.7% of defects reported), tire defects caused 1.593 accidents (17.3 % of defect accidents), costing 56 lives (29.8 % of the total and - 9.870,528 property damage (32.4 % of the total).

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Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, 1972, 19 p., tab.; DOT HS 013 424

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