Safety at roundabouts in built-up areas.

Ortlepp, J. & Voss, H. (Eds.)

Small roundabouts are rightly considered to be extremely safe traffic control devices both in Germany and elsewhere. However, cyclists benefit least from the improved safety they bring. The German findings are based on older studies whose usefulness is now compromised because the studies carried out in the 90s generally investigated roundabouts that are no longer state of the art. More recent studies focus exclusively on bicycle traffic and pedestrians and are based on a relatively small amount of data. In a current study carried out by Bochum-based Brilon, Bondzio, Weiser Ingenieurgesellschaft für Verkehrswesen mbH for the UDV (German Insurers Accident Research), a comprehensive analysis was carried out of the safety of roundabouts in built-up areas designed largely in accordance with the current guidelines. The deployment and design recommendations in the current guidelines were subjected to a critical examination in the study. One of the main aspects focused on in the study was how cyclists and pedestrians are guided through the roundabout. (Author/publisher)

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20170485 ST [electronic version only]

Berlin, German Insurance Association (Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft GDV), 2013, 14 p.; Compact accident research ; No. 36

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