Safety of small workgroups on roadways.

Haworth, N. Symmons, M. & Mulvihill, C.

This project focuses on the risks to small workgroups at, for the most part, transient sites where formal safety controls are less elaborate than for large group, longer term work. The scope of the project includes all VicRoads employees who undertake some of their duties in close proximity to traffic. The safety measures that have been evaluated can be grouped into measures to reduce vehicle speeds; measures to increase the visibility of worksites; and measures to increase the visibility of workers. Observations of the behaviours of employees and measurements of the speed of passing traffic were made at a range of metropolitan and rural worksites. In addition, a survey of all VicRoads employees identified as working on or near the road was undertaken. It was concluded that work areas differ markedly in terms of exposure to risk, perceived hazards, types of safety measures in place and perceived effectiveness. Working alone or in very small groups was considered to be a high-risk activity because conspicuity of the worksite was generally low, speeds of passing traffic were generally not reduced and there was limited safety equipment. (Author/publisher)

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C 27123 [electronic version only] /72 /82 / ITRD E208378

Clayton, Victoria, Monash University, Accident Research Centre MUARC, 2002, XIV + 133 p., 36 ref.; MUARC Report ; No. 195 - ISBN 0-7326-1494-5

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