Safety standards for road design and redesign SAFESTAR WP4 `cross sections' : accidents on rural roads in Denmark.

Nielsen, M.A. la Cour Lund, B. & Nielsen, E.D.

This report describes briefly the traffic safety situation on rural roads in Denmark with special focus on run-off accidents and head-on accidents on 2 lane 80 km/h rural roads. The report is based on accident data from the 5 year period from 1991 to 1995. In Denmark, more that 3000 traffic accidents with personal injuries occur each year on the roads outside urban areas. These accidents result in more that 4500 injuries and about 350 fatalities. Two of the most predominant types of accidents on rural roads are head-on accidents and run-off accidents. 1/3 of all traffic accidents with personal injuries in rural areas are run-off accidents and they result in 29% of all casualties and 25% of all fatalities in rural road traffic. Head-on accidents represent 13% of all accidents with personal injuries on rural roads but they result in 16% of all casualties and 26% of all fatalities in traffic accidents in rural areas. (A)

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980512 ST

Copenhagen, Ministry of Transport, The Road Directorate DRD, 1998, 33 p., 4 ref.; Note No. 50 - ISSN 0909-8410 / ISBN 87-7491-893-1

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