Samen werken aan een Duurzaam Veilige schoolomgeving : kind als maat der dingen.


At the beginning and end of classes, the immediate vicinity of Junior Schools is often a wild mixture of children, bicycles, parents, and cars parked correctly or incorrectly. Children are driven to school because of increasing road safety. But because of all the those cars, the vicinity has become cluttered and sometimes even chaotic. Municipalities, schools, and parents blame each other for the situation. This while they should be cooperating in looking for the solution. This brochure offers help in cooperating to achieve a Sustainably-Safe school vicinity. The publication is meant for all parties involved in this. In general these are municipalities, schools, parents, police, children, and various other parties.

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C 26159

Ede, Infopunt Duurzaam Veilig Verkeer, 2003, 44 p., 39 ref. - ISBN 90-6628-391-2

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