San Francisco Bay Area older adults transportation study : final report.

Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates

The Older Adults Transportation Study is an effort by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to identify ways that it can help maintain and improve the mobility of older adults in the San Francisco Bay Area. Information to guide this process has been gathered by means of: * Five workshops held in April and May 2002 at locations around the Bay Area. * Meetings with a Working Group composed of representatives of commissions on ageing, senior organisations, and transit agencies from throughout the region. * Review of results of the extensive research and planning activities conducted by national organisations, other regional planning agencies, and local jurisdictions within the Bay Area. * Analysis of regional and local data on senior population location and growth, public transportation services, and driving by seniors. Based the results of these activities, this document identifies: a. The barriers that limit the mobility of older adults, and particularly those barriers that prevent older adults from taking full advantage of public transportation services and other alternatives to driving. b. Actions to address the barriers that can be taken by all types of organisations and jurisdictions, including cities, counties, transit agencies, community organisations, state and federal agencies, and private citizens. c How MTC, as a regional planning agency, can support and advance efforts by these other entities. (Author/publisher)

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20031898 ST [electronic version only]

Oakland, CA, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, 2002, 68 p.

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