SAPOLLUT : estimating the air quality impact of vehicular emissions resulting from a traffic assignment.

Kozlowski, T.P.

Special area pollution (SAPOLLUT) may be used to measure the air quality impact in kilograms of pollutants. The total amount of pollutants may be, at the users option, stratified by hour and day, area type, functional classification, and pollution district. Details of data requirements and output are given, and practical experience is described.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 12877 (In: B 10633 S) /93/ IRRD 223538

In: Proceedings of a Conference on the State of the Art of Assessing Transportation- Related Air Quality Impacts Washington, October 22-24, 1975, TRB Special Report No. 167, p. 166-172, 4 fig., 12 ref.

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