S.A.T. project : tetra-re-dimensioning of urban space.

Serrano, J. Pecorari, N.A. & Serrano, V.

Based upon a conceptual-statistical urban analysis regarding the critical situation found in modern cities/mega cities (saturation, pollution, degradation and lack of interrelation), a diagnosis was achieved posing the 'bi-dimensional use' of present urban settlements. As a response, the concept of an 'urban re-structure' became our hypothesis. We developed a Project that proposes the 'tetra-re-dimensioning (4D) of urban space'. To achieve this, we had to create and design a 'tool' (S.A.T.), that would, upon its implementation in cities, allow the following: decrease urban pollution standards; decrease the rate of urban accidents; lead to a decongestion of obstructed neuralgic areas; reduce the pace of urban life; promote optimisation of time; generate 'architectural mutations', breaking-up the present vertical-function dependency; increase security standards in case of natural or manmade catastrophes, promote a wider range of options regarding access/evacuations means; transform existing means of transport; generate the increase of green public spaces; avoid wounds in the urban-grid; regenerate residual-urban spaces; use economical resources efficiently. S.A.T. (Sistema Autonomo de Transporte - undergoing Patent registration) creates the first steps towards the 'breaking-up' of the 'static-way of use' in contemporary cities. It is an electric-private/public transport-system for people and/or freight. It works under different directions of movement such as horizontal, vertical and on a gradient. Its main characteristic derives from the possibility it has of connecting different spaces that are to be found, not under the same geometrical plane, but under different-direction axis (x, y and z), belonging to different planes of use. In this way, it would generate and define a 'tetra-dimensional' liveable space. The S.A.T. project is an innovation that could act in a catalytic way, towards the overall improvement in life-quality in present urban areas, drawing a trend towards 'sustainability'. For the covering abstract see ITRD E128239.

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C 35542 (In: C 35524 [electronic version only]) /72 / ITRD E128257

In: Urban transport VIII : urban transport and the environment in the 21st century : proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Urban Transport and The Environment in the 21st Century, Seville, Spain, 13-15 March 2002, p. 181-191

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