Scale-model test of an energy-absorbing barrier.

Fay, R.J. & Wittrock, E.P.

A scale-model test of the "texas barrel barrier" was conducted to demonstrate the great utility of scale modelling in the study of energy-absorbing highway barriers. This barrier consists of an array of empty 55-gal drums attached together and fastened in place so that energy from an impacting automobile is absorbed in the plastic deformation of the drums. The results of this test were found to agree very well with results from a full-scale test that was modelled. The modelling techniques are presented, and the similitude requirements for the scale modelling of the car and the barrier are developed. (Author/publisher)

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A 7078 (In: A 7297 S) IRRD 61270

In: Highway Research Record, No. 343, 1971, p. 75-82, 3 ref.

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