SCATS : Splits and Offsets Simplified (S.O.S.).

Sims, A.G. & Finlay, A.B.

SCATS is an adaptive co- ordinated traffic signal system. Its adaptive method requires a predetermined data base inclusive of a library of phase split plans and offset plans for each intersection, and offset plans and control parameters for each sub- system. The ultimate performance of SCATS depends on the accuracy of this data base in terms of catering for the expected range of traffic conditions and in conforming to the requirements of the SCATS software.The Australasian wide use of the system as planned will result in 49 SCAT systems controlling 4400 sets of traffic signals.

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B 27859 (In: B 23994 [electronic version only]) /73 / IRRD 277362

In: Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the Australian Road Research Board ARRB, Hobart, Tasmania, August 27-31, 1984, Volume 12, Part 4, Traffic systems, p. 17-33, 7 ref.

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