Scenario's rond de chipcard in het personenverkeer- en vervoersysteem van 2015.

Bilderbeek, R.H. Korver, W. & Smits, C.A.

This foresight study presents four scenarios, each giving an outline of the social embedment of the chipcard as an instrument to realize quasi-integration of different means of transport. A better linkage of different modes of transport may result into a more efficient, and thereby more sustainable utilization of the people traffic and passenger transport system. The scenarios mainly differ in terms of two dimensions: the primary orientation towards realizing sustainability or `reachability' goals, and the degree of proactive government involvement in accomplishing these goals. Each scenario presents a vision of the future (2015) traffic and transport system, the actors in this system, the potential role of the chipcard in the system, the (partly quantified) transport performance of the system, and the major policy options.

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960653 ST

's-Gravenhage, Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat, Projectbureau Integrale Verkeers- en Vervoerstudies Pb IVVS, 1996, II + 82 + 27 p., 10 ref.

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