Schatting van het aantal excessieve drinkers en alcoholisten in Nederland met de Ldermann-formule, 1875 tot 1977.

Wever, O.R. & Gips, C.H.

The point-prevalence of excessive drinking and of alcoholism in the Netherlands over the years 1875 to 1977 was estimated using the Ledermann formula which is based on the per drinker consumption of alcohol in a population. Excessive drinking is defined as daily useof 10 cl 100 vol% alcohol (80 grams) or more, alcoholism as daily consumption of 15 cl (120 grams) or more. The drinking age population (D.A.P., the population of 15 years and older) was equated to the drinking population (D.P.), i.e. calculations were performed as for a population with 0% non-drinkers. A table was constructed giving the percentage under-estimation for 10, 20 and 30% non-drinkers and various amounts of per capita alcoholconsumption in the D.A.P., when calculating as were D.P. and D.A.P. equal.

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B 12404 fo /83.4 /

Tijdschrift voor Alcohol, Drugs en andere Psychotrope Stoffen, Vol. 3 (1977), No. 2 (juni), p. 43-49, 20 ref.

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