Scientists and social scientists as information users : a comparison of results of science user studies with the investigation into information requirements of the social sciences.

Skelton, B.

This paper seeks to draw generalized profiles of a scientist and a social scientist as an information user. The profiles are based upon the results of a selection of science user studies and the Investigation into Information Requirements of the Social Sciences (INFR0SS). The problems encountered in comparing user studies are discussed. On the whole scientists and social scientists do not differ to any large extent in their information seeking behaviour.

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3 + 3 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 3117 fo /01/

Journal of Librarianship, Vol. 5 (1973), No. 2 (April), p. 138-156, 7 tab., 27 ref.

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