Scoping implementation in National Environmental Policy Act processes in US transportation agencies.

Slotterback, C.S.

Scoping efforts are conducted at the beginning of National Environmental Policy Act processes and focus on preliminary efforts to engage stakeholders, gather information, and identify issues to focus on during the environmental impact statement. Based on a study of state departments of transportation in the US, a number of challenges in conducting scoping are identified including data availability, public opposition, getting other agenciesto participate, and staff and time constraints. At the same time, agencies note important effects of scoping efforts on later steps laid out under the including influencing impact statement content and improving the identification of environmental impacts. (A) Reprinted with permission from Elsevier.

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I E141107 /15 / ITRD E141107

Transportation Research Part D. 2009 /03. 14(2) Pp83-90 (26 Refs.)

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