Seat belt performance and after- market web- locking devices: An experimental study.

Zuppichini, F.

This experimental research is aimed to evaluate the consequences of the slack offered by after- market web- ref- vld locking components ("comfort clips") on the performance of three- point seat belts. The laboratory results show a very bad performance of the devices under the test conditions, with a mean increase of 15- 20% for chest and 40% for pelvis displacement. The most worrying finding was the breakage of the belt, in 7 cases over 35; in other 3 cases, there was severe belt incision. All these laboratory data demonstrate danger in the use of these web- locking components.

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B 30603 (In: B 30601) /84 /91 / IRRD 834448

In: Proceedings of the 1990 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of Impacts, Bron-Lyon, France, September 12-13-14, 1990, p. 15-19, 8 ref.

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