Seat belt wearing in Scotland : a second study on compliance.

Burns, A. Kummerer, M. & Macdonald, N.C.

Research studies have shown that while there is generally a high level of compliance of front seat belt wearing, the rate for rear seat passengers is lower. In 1997 The (then) Scottish Office commissioned research to measure the rate of seat belt wearing by drivers of cars, vans and taxis, and front and rear seat passengers (including children) in Scotland. This research, undertaken by Halcrow Fox as part of The Halcrow Group Ltd, and published by The Scottish Office Central Research Unit in 1998 showed that 94% of drivers were recorded as wearing seat belts, with 92% of adult front seat passengers and 55% of rear seat adult passengers wearing seat belts. The rate for children aged 5 to 13 years restrained in the rear seats of cars was 74%. The Halcrow Group Ltd were appointed by the Scottish Executive, Central Research Unit to undertake the commission entitled “Seat Belt Wearing in Scotland – A Second Study on Compliance” in April 2002. The basic aim of the commission was to undertake an update and comparison with data gathered and published in 1997. The main aim of the study was to carry out a second survey of compliance to obtain a reliable measure of the current extent of use of seat belts and other restraints in Scotland. (Author/publisher)

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C 23505 [electronic version only]

Edinburgh, Scottish Executive, Central Research Unit (CRU), 2002, 54 p.; Transport Research Series - ISSN 0950-2254 / ISBN 0-7559-3496-2

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