A second generation system for the registration of road accidents in The Netherlands.

Est, J. van & Vroege, F. de

Road accidents are recorded by the police and the state police on countrywide operative registration forms. Since 1975 the department of registration on road accidents (the VOR) takes care of the central processing. An evaluation has showed the apparent need for a second generation registration system. The research centre for physical planning (the PSC) TNO carried out a test on a new system which is based on a segmented geographic base file they created for the city of Eindhoven. The spatial oriented information system which has been developed by the PSC can completely solve the problems of the recent location and manoeuvre description. The system produces pin or flag-marked maps automatically. In addition, as a computerized tool, it provides information of site-selection, statistical analyses, linking accident data with other data sources and mapping facilities for the benefit of research. For the covering abstract of the seminar see IRRD 273510.

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C 37333 (In: B 24054) /81 / IRRD 273531

In: Traffic operations and management : proceedings of Seminar K (P-240) held at the PTRC Summer Annual Meeting, University of Sussex, July 4-7, 1983, p. 261-274, 9 ref.

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