Second special report to the U.S. Congress on alcohol and health from the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare.

Keller, M. Promisel, D.M. (Editors)

After an introduction and referring to the First Special Report of three years ago (see B 28308) this book discussed the following main areas (1) alcohol use and misuse by adults and youth (2) alcohol and older persons (3) economic costs of alcohol related problems (4) alcoholism (5) some health consequences of alcohol use (6) alcohol and highway safety (7) trends on treatment of alcoholism (8) problem drinkers on the job (9) alcoholism and health insurance, and (10) the enhancement of health.

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B 28309 /83.4 /

Rockville, Ma., Department of Health, Education and Welfare /Public Health Service /Alcohol Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration /National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1974, XXI + 170 p., 581 ref. DHEW Publication No (ADM) 75- 212.

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