Section 2, part 2: the German technical presentation on ESV development.

Fiala, E. Scherenberg, H. Brumm, K. & Osswald, B.

In this section of the conference, papers were presented on esv development in Germany by the following manufacturers; Volkswagenwerk ag., "general view about progress and problems concerning esv" fiala,e; Daimler-Benz ag, "the development of the esv as seen by Daimler-Benz" scherenberg h; adam opel ag, "the opel conception of an esv in the low weight category, brumm,k; Bayerische Motorenwerke ag(BMW), "development concerning vehicle safety at BMW," osswald,b. See also IRRD abstract no 203357.

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A 6028 (In: A 9735 S [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 203359

In: Report on the second international technical conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles (ESV), Sindelfingen, Germany, October 26-29, 1971, 14 p.

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