Self-reported high-risk locations of adolescent drug use : brief report.

Sussman, S. Stacy, A.W. Ames, S.L. & Freedman, L.B.

The present study provides a detailed multiple-choice self-report analysis of home, school, and other public locations where youth report using drukgs. In addition, these settings were examined as a function of gender, ethnicity, type of drug used, and drug abuse status. The participants for the present study are 413 continuation high school youth, who are at relatively high risk for substance abuse. The single most frequent location of use was the participants' bedroom with a small group of friends. However, heavier users used different drugs across a greater variety of locations. Not surprisingly, drugs were used least at school. Interestingly, the prototypical party drug use situation is not a popular situation for drug use, at least among these high-risk youth. (A)

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20011890 ST [electronic version only]

Addictive Behaviors, Vol. 23 (1998), No. 3, p. 405-411, 11 ref.

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