Self-reported high-risk locations of drug use among drug offenders : ethnic and gender differences.

Sussman, S. Ames, S.L. Dent, C.W. & Stacy, A.W.

This study provides a detailed, multiple-choice self-report analysis of home, work, and other public locations where drug offenders report using drugs. Specific settings were examined as a function of gender and Latino versus Anglo ethnicity. The participants for this study were 391 individuals attending drug diversion programs in Southern California. The single most frequently reported location of use was the participants' living rooms with a small group of friends. There was no evidence that Latinos were relatively likely to use at home, which had been suggested in previous work. Rather, Latinos differed from Anglos most by showing a relative preference for outdoor locations of use at home or work contexts. These results could reflect a lifestyle difference between Anglos and Latinos. (A)

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20011889 ST [electronic version only]

Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 22 (2000), No. 2 (May), p. 237-253, 24 ref.

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