Self-service electric cars : a new public transport ?

Parent, M. Texier, P.-Y. & Leurent, F.

This paper presents the PRAXITELE project, for a public transport system based on a fleet of electric cars, a central management system, and an information and fare collection system. In the first phase of implementation, the cars will be fairly standard. Later, they will have safety features such as speed control, intelligent cruise control, obstacle avoidance, and some forms of automatic driving, for example in parking. System users will have a contract with the system operator, and each will have a smart card with a suitable identification procedure, such as a code number. At any one time, a vehicle will be in one of the following states, clearly identified by some display: (1) in use; (2) reserved; (3) available for use; or (4) not operative (charging or requiring maintenance). Each vehicle will be equipped with a positioning system and a digital communication link. Such a system has a wide potential, but only real-size experiments will allow assessment of its market. It seems that it should attract a significant number of car drivers. Probability theory is applied to estimate the number of cars required to achieve a given service level. The demand management and fare structure of the system are also discussed.

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C 5326 (In: C 5303) /72 /91 / IRRD 870098

In: Proceedings of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Seminar on Advanced Road Transport Technologies TT3, Omiya, Japan, June 6 - June 9, 1994, p. 288-294, 2 ref.

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