The senior driver : an overview of problems and intervention strategies.

Klavora, P. & Heslegrave, R.J.

This research discusses risks related to driving in adults aged 65+ years; perceptual, cognitive, and health factors that affect driving risk level; and potential intervention strategies, with specific focus on the Visual-Motor Useful Field of View Program (VMUFVP). Many deficits in driving-related abilities increase with age and can place some individuals, or other road users, at risk for property destruction or personal injury. Ageing driver-specific programs have been shown to be effective in ensuring older drivers remain safe and competent on the roads. Current research suggests that VMUFVP training might be an effective means of assessing and enhancing many of the functional psychomotor tasks required by senior drivers.

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C 28357 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E820976

Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, Vol. 10 (2002), No. 3, p. 322-335, 80 ref.

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