Senior transportation alternatives : why are they important and what makes them work? Report for the State of Florida Department of Transportation, Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged.

Foreman, C.C. Tucker, L.E. Flynn, J. & West, M.

As baby boomers move into retirement age, the United States is realizing a growing number of automobile drivers over the age of 65. In response to this phenomenon, many communities are implementing or are considering implementing various strategies to improve transportation alternatives for seniors who want to reduce or eliminate driving. This report is written for a wide audience, including municipalities, senior transportation providers and new starts, transit agencies, senior centers, senior support programs, or any other person or agency interested in improving transportation options for seniors. It is presented in five chapters. Chapter One includes a literature review of previous studies related to senior transportation issues. Chapter Two provides a summary of the results of four focus groups that were held with seniors in various cities in Florida. Chapter Three presents the results of a written survey that was sent to senior transportation providers throughout the country. Chapter Four identifies some of the successful practices and strategies of the participants in the senior transportation provider survey. Finally, Chapter Five presents a summary and recommendations. (Author/publisher)

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C 36738 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E834279

Tampa, FL, University of South Florida, National Center For Transit Research (NCTR), 2003, 102 p., 32 ref.; NCTR-473-09

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