Sensitivity of a critical tracking task to alcohol impairment.

Tennant, J.A. & Thompson, R.R.

A firest order critical tracking task is evaluated for its potential to discriminate between sober and intoxicated performances. Mean differences between predrink and pastdrink performances as a function of B.A.C. are analyzed. Quantification of the results shows that intoxicated failure rates of 50% of B.A.C.'s at or above 0,1% and 75% for B.A.C.'s at or above 0,14% can be attained with no sober failure rates.

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B 13928 (In: B 13925) /83.4/

In: Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference on Manual Control, Cambridge, Massachusetts, May 23-25th, 1973, p. 201-213, 1 fig., 3 graph., 4 tab., 10 ref.

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