Sensory and cognitive changes with age.

Fozard, J.L.

The objectives of the paper were to review selected research literature on sensory and cognitive changes that come with aging and to discuss the implications of these findings for the ability of older adults to maintain personal mobility and be able to drive. Maintaining upright posture, walking and driving include behaviors that involve utilizing and responding to complex sensory and cognitive information that changes rapidly over time. Because age-associated slowing is a common factor in sensory, cognitive, and motor behaviors, the review of the literature was organized around the implications of this general finding. As is true in a lot of research on age differences in abilities, the variability among sensory, cognitive, and motor skills involved in personal mobility and in driving are very substantial among elderly persons. The paper concluded that task redesign and improved ergonomics can compensate for diminished sensory capacity and slower speed of mental and motor behavior, and that skill training and physical training, particularly resistive strength training, can significantly improve some skills involved in personal mobility and driving.

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C 34117 (In: C 34116) /83 / ITRD E831382

In: Mobility and transportation in the elderly, 2000, p. 1-44, 110 ref.

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