Series-hybrid powertrains : design criteria.

Berta, G.L. & Prato, A.P.

Electric hybrid vehicles show good potential for the solution of environmental problems in urban areas. Only series-hybrids are dealt with here. On design of hybrids, the system engineer is called to the difficult task of predicting the main characteristics of the driving pattern, in order to design a hybrid drive train able to match users' demands with the best reliability and the least weight. Design criteria are explained for the whole energy chain, with special reference to the theoretical and experimental methods that have been employed. A number of computer codes have been implemented, aimed at system design, energy analysis of the drive line and storage packs, and comparison with conventional vehicles. Validation has been carried out with experimental data. (A)

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C 5012 (In: C 4987 ) /15 /90 /91 / IRRD 875028

In: Automobile in harmony with human society : proceedings of the XXVth Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Ingenieurs des Techniques de l'Automobile FISITA congress, Beijing, October 17-21, 1994, Volume 3: Vehicle and environment, Technical Paper No. 945140, p. 252-260, 22 ref.

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