In-service road safety audits : the AAA Michigan Road Improvement Demonstration Program (RIDP).

Gibbs, M. & Bagdade JS

Intersection safety is a priority for many communities wanting to address the high proportion of severe collisions occurring at intersections. In 1996, AAA Michigan initiated the Road Improvement Demonstration Program (RIDP), an innovative roadway improvement program involving public/private funding and multi-jurisdictional cooperation that has improved safety at targeted high-crash intersections in Detroit and Grand Rapids, Michigan. The RIDP is based in part on an extensive program of in-service road safety audits. This paper is a joint effort by the audit team (Hamilton Associates) and sponsoring agency (AAA Michigan*). The paper deals with the process and challenges involved in instituting, conducting, and evaluating a program of in-service audits at urban intersections, specifically the following: (1) the procedure for identifying the intersections to be studied; (2) effective partnering with the road authority (3) common issues identified in audits of urban intersections (4) effective reporting; and (5) evaluating the effectiveness of the program.

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C 48707 (In: C 48697 CD-ROM) /82 / ITRD E837608

In: Institute of Transportation Engineers ITE 2004 annual meeting and exhibit compendium of technical papers, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, August 1-4, 2004, 9 p.

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