Session 5: research. Section 6: future urban transport options.

Horn, B. Symmes, D. Walsh, T. Doeldissen, A. & Lozic, I.

Research of the oecd (horn,b and symmes,d); transport aspects of new towns (walsh,t); german federal research programme on large-scale, integrated traffic restraint systems (doeldissen,a); the distribution of traffic areas in the central parts of urban spaces (lozic,i). for the covering abstract of the conference see IRRD 275170.

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C 37288 (In: B 23881) /10 /72 /73 / IRRD 275175

In: Transportation : an international overview : compendium of technical papers : proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, London, England, August 14-18, 1983, Pp.

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