Session II. Applications. Motion measurement of a rigid body in three dimensions.

Robbins, D.H. Bowman, B.M. & Alem, N.M.

Analytical and experimental procedures have been presented for the measurement of the motion of a rigid body in space. Its application has been demonstrated with the case of head motion measurement of an anthropometric dummy subjected to an autombile crash environment using the analysis of high speed motion pictures. Sources of possible error have been discussed and estimations made the accuracy possible using these procedures.

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B 28932 (In: B 28930) /91 / IRRD 209670

In: Seminar- in- depth. Solving problems in automotive safety engineering and biomechanics with optical instrumentation. Proceedings of the Society of Photo- optical Instrumentation Engineers, Dearborn, Michigan, November 20- 22, 1972, p.43- 52.

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