Seven experiment designs addressing problems of safety and capacity on two-lane rural highways. Volume III: Experimental design to evaluate MUTCD and other traffic controls for highway construction and maintenance operations on two-lane highways.

King, G.F. Abramson, P. Cohen, J.W. & Wilkinson, M.R.

This report contains an experimental design to evaluate methods of providing safe expeditions movement of traffic through or around construction and maintenance zones while providing safety for workers in these zones. Two types of construction/maintenance zones will be examined with different traffic control devices. A simulation model for single-lane, two-direction operation in a long construction zone is appended.

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B 16656 /73/ IRRD 241215

Huntington Station, KLD Associates Inc., 1978, 72 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; Report No. DOT-TSC-FHWA-78-2, III / NTIS PB-284404

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