Severe frontal collisions with partial overlap : significance, test methods and car design.

Planath, I. Norin, H. & Nilsson, S.

Research on frontal collisions has been the theme of numerous papers and publications over the years. The relevance of the subject is clearly demonstrated by different accident studies. The analysis shows that apart from the traditional high speed full frontal barrier impact, it is also necessary to simulate tests at lower speeds and partial overlap collisions at high speeds. This paper describes one of the frontal impact situations, the Severe Partial Overlap Collision (SPOC); accident analyses producing a test method and its application by description of a new car design concept. (A)

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C 6581 (In: C 6579 [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 886368

In: Frontal impact protection : seat belts and air bags : international congress & exposition, Detroit, Michigan, March 1-5, 1993, SAE technical paper 930636, p. 15-21, 10 ref.

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