Shear properties of brain tissue over a frequency range relevant for automotive impact situations : new experimental results.

Nicolle, S. Lounis, M. & Willinger, R.

This research aims at improving the definition of the shear linear material properties of brain tissue. A comparison between human and porcine white and gray matter samples was carried out over a new large frequency range associated with both traffic road and non-penetrating ballistic impacts. Oscillatory experiments were performed by using an original custom-designed oscillatory shear testing device. The findings revealed that no significant difference occurred between the linear viscoelastic behavior of the porcine and the human brain tissues. In addition, the gray and white matter behaviors seemed to be similar at small strains. The reliability of the data and the robustness of the experimental protocol were checked using a standard rheometer (Bohlin C- VOR 150). A good agreement was found between the data obtained in the frequency and time field. As a result, the linear relaxation modulus was determined over an extensive time range (from 10-5 s to 300 s). In a first approach, the nonlinear behavior of brain tissue was studied using stress relaxation tests. Brain tissue showed significant shear softening for strains above 1% and the time relaxation behavior was independent of the applied strain. On this basis, a visco-hyperelastic model was proposed using the generalized Maxwell model and the Ogden hyperelastic model. These models respectively describe the linear relaxation modulus and the strain dependence of the shear stress. (Author/publisher)

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20042033 k ST (In: ST 20042033 [electronic version only])

In: Stapp Car Crash Journal Volume 48 : papers presented at the 48th Stapp Car Crash Conference, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, November 1-3, 2004, Technical Paper 2004-22-0011, p. 239-258, 46 ref.

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